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Ahmed Khalid

GDC Number: 244323


Ahmed Khalid Bio

Ahmed graduated with a BDS from the University of Glasgow in 2013.
He's worked in the outskirts of Scotland in places such as the Isle of Benbecula as the community dentist and in Oban.
Ahmed provides Implant and cosmetic treatment for people who are missing teeth or are not happy with their smile. He completed his cosmetic training in Harley Street with Specialist oversight under Mizrahi Dental Teaching. Further courses were done to augment his skills to achieve minimal preparation of your teeth so that you can achieve a lovely natural and beautiful result without damaging your teeth. He did further training with the BAIRD Academy and has since completed further postgraduate training specific to bone and gums surrounding the implants. He is delighted to be able to help people restore their ability to chew, talk and most importantly smile.

Ahmed has a chatty demeanour and constantly finds ways to simplify things to help his patients understand exactly what he can do for them. He strives to achieve a great outcome for his patients while also providing a relaxing atmosphere. You can find him on occasion singing along to the songs on the radio but we're not sure if that helps with the relaxation! Especially when his favourite music consists of metal and heavy rock.
When not doing surgery, explaining procedures with an extravagant amount of enthusiasm or telling terrible jokes to his patients, he can be found in the gym or cooking up a storm in his kitchen or doing some DIY around the house. Ask him about making sourdough bread for some pro tips (Or so he believes they are).

Areas of Expertise

Dental Implants

Cosmetic Treatment

Bone and Gum Health

About Us

Did you know that the award-winning Berkeley Clinic offers a number of cosmetic and restorative dental treatments? The Berkeley Clinic provides an outstanding service in a number of aesthetic, cosmetic, restorative and medical treatments such as teeth whitening, dental implants, veneers, crowns and facial rejuvenation. If you are looking for a dentist or an experienced dental surgeon in Glasgow look no further, because the Berkeley Clinic care team can help.

Wide Range of Treatments at The Berkeley Clinic

The Berkeley Clinic is one of the most technologically advanced dental clinic's in the UK offering a range of services such as dental implants, veneers, teeth whitening, root canal treatment, ceramic dental crowns and facial aesthetics. We are equipped with the most up to date technology available to support our cosmetic and restorative dentistry; from 3D digital radiography, which substantially reduces radiation exposure, to cutting edge digital microscopy for operating under high magnification.

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Replace missing teeth, eat what you like and smile with confidence. Invest in dental implants from £23 per month at Berkeley Clinic. Call the Berkeley Clinic or complete our contact form to book your consultation.

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